Thursday, January 2, 2014

Lot 31

After much thought, and quite a stress headache from thinking to much we decided to put an offer in on a house that was already going up in the neighborhood. It happened to be the model that I liked even though we never got to walk through it I liked the outside and the layout of the plans. So we wrote it up and added in all the extras.... They countered back and after consideration we accepted. It was official we had just bought a home! Just like that BADA BING BADA BOOM! Some may think it was to fast of a decision or that we didn't think it out long enough..... to that I say you're wrong and and keep your opinions to yourself because we really aren't interested. We know what options were avail to us and it wasn't as if we haven't looked at anything in the area over the past yr. Believe me we have, just not in a we are serious and ready to buy way. With that said we are happy with our decision and hope that everyone will be as well. What may be important features in a home for your family may not be so for ours. Just remember that when lending out advice :) For the most part people have been genuinely excited for us but there is always the few that love to spoil ones happiness with their negativity. Here is a few photos of our home :) everything has been reversed so that it represents how it'll actually look Downstairs Upstairs

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