Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Just a quick update to yesterday's blog update. Dropped by the house today to drop off the paint for the front door < God I hope it is "the" red.. how stressful... I second guess everything. Anyways when I walked in the garage they had the railing on the the stairs and the hand rail done. When I walked through the door I got so many other surprises. Everywhere I turned it made me smile :) Carpet is in upstairs and the basement and WOW is it huge down there what a difference the carpet makes. I walked upstairs and saw the foyer railing had been stained and the hand rail down the stairs also.. which I didn't even notice initially when I walked up the stairs. The walls were all touched up and looking fresh. Love watching it all come together. I will be sad when it is all over but so happy at the same time. Hopefully if we got back out today the door will be painted. TWO more weeks!!

Monday, March 17, 2014

15 days!!!

Wow I can't believe it has been over a month.. almost a month and a half since my last update! I don't even know where to start.. everything has been going GREAT! We just got back an amazing family vacation. We had the time of our lives and can't wait to do it again real soon! When we left they had just started to laying the flooring. They told us when we got back they would have most of the house done. They were not kidding! We went straight to the house as soon as we got back into town & were so shocked to see all the major parts of the house in. The kitchen was in, our cabinets and counter tops look gorgeous! I love the little flecks of grey. The hardwood looks so wonderful I seriously couldn't have pictured it looking any better <3. Bathrooms look great to. I can't wait to hop in that big ol soaker tub and just relax! We moved up our closing from 4/15 to 4/1 so we are down to 15 days!!! Builder called me today and asked what color we wanted the door. Jay and I had planned to paint it red ourselves so I decided to ask them if I could go pick up the paint in the color I wanted and drop it off. They said sure so thats exactly what I did. I picked a gorgeous gorgeous red that is going to look magnificent with the grey exterior and black shutters. While I was there I also picked up 4 samples with a couple diff greys and couple colors to carry into the kitchen. Little by little we have gotten stuff for the house. I have the kids bathroom decor all bought as well as ours however I still have some more decor to buy for ours. We are going to be taking down the builder grade fixtures and put better quality in there asap! We also got our blinds ordered and they should be here sometime before closing. I imagine that will be an all day project but hey we don't have the paint the front door anymore WIN! We have our interest rate locked and I got a wonderful phone call friday afternoon from our loan officer letting me know she got a 15 rate lock extension for free! We locked a 45 day lock when we were actually 46 days out knowing that we may have to pay for the rate lock extension and we were ok with that. Thank GOD we did it that way because the day after we locked the rates jumped and they have not come back down since we locked.... and now we get to keep it for free! We have our homeowners insurance picked out, signed and ready to go. Our team in this whole process has been wonderful. Everyone is on the ball & we should close without a single problem. Now all that is left to do is pack up this place and get outta here :) life is great and we are feeling continually blessed beyond belief. I will post photos tomorrow hopefully if I have time. Bye for now!!!